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    The "Ai-kuzushi" that I created in the past has come back with an increased volume!!
    This is a slightly sexy underwater undressing block-busting game!

Piercing bullet

    This game is equipped with piercing bullets.
    When you receive the ball at the center of the bar, the ball becomes a piercing bullet.
    It's a chance to bust the block all at once!
    The range of the center can also be expanded by obtaining itemsアイテム.

Lots more timed items!

    Here are some of the timed items.

    アイテム This item also appeared in the previous game. Now you can use the beam to break blocks freely.

    アイテム Completely invincible. The ball is not dropped out. It will cause tremendous destruction for a certain amount of time.

    アイテム When the ball reflects, it explodes and destroys many nearby blocks. If you are a FPS gamer, this weapon will be familiar to you.

    アイテム The ball will go through the wall for a moment. It penetrates the thick barrier and destroys the barrier from the inside... If you're an agent, you'll be thrilled with this gimmick.


    This is a forbidden technique!! When the ball speed, bar width, and piercing area are all one or more levels lower, the counter will be activated. Item appearance rate tripled / Double the time of timed items / 10 times the piercing area... You can activate one of these abilities of your choice in exchange for a big risk.

Underwater Stage

    画面 There is a time limit in the rescue mission. Please hurry! Her oxygen level is decreasing! Rethink your play style and break the blocks before the girl drowns!